Welcome to The Green Garden Digital Schooling!
As you are aware due the COVID-19 pandemic, the in-person schooling stopped in all learning institutions in Kenya on 20th March 2020. However, thanks to the dedicated teachers of The Green Garden Schools and the entire digital schooling team we immediately engaged in a training programme in digital teaching and learning skills organized by a team of ODeL experts .
The teachers learnt the principles and skills of digital learning so fast that by 23rd March 2020 they were already engaged in synchronous digital teaching and learning in all The Green Garden Schools. Their ability to deliver education at homes of all our children enabled every child in the school to continue learning during the pandemic in Kenya without a break. Hence with the digital learning in place, the schools never closed due to the rest of our teacher’s ability to switch immediately to digital schooling, which has now become the “new normal.”
Our teachers have been rated among the best in digital schooling technologies in Kenya and elsewhere. The digital schooling has also been rated the best in the country because we have always put our best foot forward to do it right. A shout out to our parents for the great support both morally and financially during the difficult period because without your support the digital schooling could never have succeeded or taken off. We also thank our dedicated gardeners who positively embraced the new mode of learning.
It is in this regard that we have decided to choose between convenience and exceptional learning environment. When the schools “re-open” (of course for the Green Garden schools it is a continuation since we never closed but migrated to digital schooling) we shall be asking our parents to have their children join virtual / digital schooling, join in -person learning programmes with a “dose” of elearning to make it blended learning that will engage both online and offline learning experiences. We look forward to total integration of digital learning in our system during and even post COVID-19 pandemic era. This has been our dream for many years. We shall be offering the following options/modules for now:
In-Person Schooling Module 1
We are working overnight towards having a state-of-the-art learning environment when the school re open. Everything is being planned to ensure our learners remain safe during the time they are in all the schools.
Measures taken:
All COVID-19 health protocols will be followed. From the Classrooms to the Dormitories and all other areas
We pride in the fact that we have plenty of spaces, facilities and rooms in the schools hence social distancing in all our activities is not an issue.
Any individual parent is free to visit the schools (with an appointment) and inspect our facilities to ensure that one’s child will be in safe learning environment.
This will allow you to make reasoned decision for this mode of schooling.
Digital Schooling Module 2
The digital learning option will be virtual schooling that will be supportive, individualized and pedagogically centered on competency-based education system.
‣This will be full day Learning programme that will enable learning to be accessible anytime and anywhere.
‣The parent who request for this module will have advantage of this special approach to learning that will be supported by timeless lessons delivered to your home.
NB: You will be free to switch from one module to the other depending on your judgement at any given time.
Yours Faithfully, Esther W. Keiyoro MANAGING DIRECTOR